About Jim

Jim has been painting full time for more than 25 years, during which time
he has achieved much success.
He is largely self-taught which has helped him to develop his individual style of work, much of this is based on his excellent drawing ability, the foundation of most great art. Jim works using a mixed media technique of pen and ink with watercolour, creating beautiful paintings that are vibrant and colourful whilst rich in depth and detail.
Jim’s paintings are meticulously planned out in their composition, with great consideration given to the accurate and soulful portrayal of the subject. Much time is spent on each painting, achieving the remarkable amount of detail. Warm washes of watercolour are then applied to give balance to this difficult but most effective mixed media technique.
Constantly working and always searching for new ways to approach some of his favourite scenes, Jim’s work continues to evolve and grows more popular with each completed painting.
Jim has become best known for his streetscapes and architectural renditions of many well known (and some lesser known) areas of the cities and towns of Ireland. He also enjoys painting more traditional watercolour seascapes and landscapes, showing great depth to his creative talents. Constantly working and always searching for new ways to approach some of his favourite scenes, Jim’s work continues to evolve and grows more popular with each completed painting.
Jim’s paintings are meticulously planned out in their composition, with great consideration given to the accurate and soulful portrayal of the subject

Georgian Doors in Progress

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